
Songs in My Head

I hate having songs stuck in my head. I think I found a solution though.

My old solution was to sing “Amazing Grace” to the tune of the “Gilligan’s Island” theme song. I don’t remember who told me this, only that it was sometime in college. It worked like a charm for years, and I highly recommend it.

But eventually, it became a tune like any other and got itself stuck in my head, and no number of repetitions would get it out. Boo.

Then I watched the video for Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” Holy crap–crazy, beautiful, addictive song. And sticky as hell. For a week I was singing it in my head. I went to sleep singing it. I woke up singing it. One time I woke up in the middle of the night: “Whoaohohohohohoh caught in a bad romance.” Like a freaking incubus, sitting on my brain. Eventually, it started attracting other songs, leading to bizarre mash-ups, though none quite as entrancing as Amazing Grace vs. Gilligan’s Island.

Like all songs it worked its way out. But I swear it left something behind. Like some sort of  musical Barkeeper’s Friend, “Bad Romance” has acquired the ability to scrub away any song stuck in my head and leave no trace of it–or of itself–behind.

This is particularly magical, as I’m abusing a playlist I built to inspire my outline. “Bad Romance” is on there too, only I’ve moved it to the end so I don’t drive myself crazy with The Decemberists or The Ting-Tings.

(Hand to God, that will make sense come Winter 2011).

So here it is–only, watch at your own peril. The inoculation period is a week and I know for a fact I’m not the only one who woke up in the dead of night with “Lovelovelove” screaming through my brain.

Posted on Monday, 4 January 2010

Filed under Uncategorized

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